Term Dates/Timetable

Useful information

VR Dance is a highly-regarded dance school in Sevenoaks. We offer tap, ballet, modern and street jazz classes. Call us for details.

Term dates

Saturday 7th September - Friday 13th December
Half Term: Monday 21st October - Saturday 2nd November 2024
 (2 weeks)

Monday 6th January - Saturday 5th April
Half Term: Monday 17th February - Saturday 22nd February (inclusive)

 Tuesday 22nd April - Monday 12th July
Half Term: Monday 26th May - Saturday 31st May (inclusive)

Bank Holiday will be replaced on the following dates:
Monday 14th July and Monday 21st July

The school year consists of three terms. Term lengths may vary in accordance with school term dates however terms will have a minimum of ten weeks each. 

Please contact us for our full terms and conditions.

Please contact us on info@vrdance.co.uk to book your free trial lesson today.


Hall - 1                                    

4:45-5:30pm G2 Ballet                            

5:30-6:30pm G6 Ballet                           

6:30-7:15pm Pointe                           

7:15-8:15pm Intermediate Ballet    

8:15-9:00pm Adv 1 Ballet                    

Hall -  2                                                          

4:00-5:00pm Primary/G1 Modern & Tap

5:00-5:45pm G3 Modern

5:45-6:30pm G3 Tap

6:30-7:15pm G4 Modern

7:15-8:00pm G5 Tap 

8:00-8:45pm  G5 Modern                     

Hall - 1

5:15-5:45pm G2 Tap

5:45-6:15pm G2 Modern

6:15-7:15pm G6 Tap

7:15-8:15pm Intermediate Modern

Hall - 1

4:15-5:00pm G2 Ballet

5:00-6:00pm G3 Ballet

6:00-7:00pm G5 Ballet

7:00-8:00pm G6 Ballet

8:00-9:00pm Intermediate Ballet

Hall - 1

5:00-5:45pm Junior Musical Production

5:45-6:30pm Junior Street Jazz

Hall - 1

4:15-5:00pm G1 Ballet

5:00-6:00pm G4 Ballet

6:00-6:30pm PrePointe/Pointe

6:30-7:30pm G5 Ballet

7:30-8:30pm Adult Ballet

Hall - 1 

09:00-09:45am Primary Ballet

09:45-10:45am Adv 1 Ballet

10:45-11:30am Lyrical

11:30-12:30pm Advanced Musical Production

12:30-1:30pm Advanced Street Jazz

1:30-2:30pm Senior Street Jazz

2:30-3:30pm Senior Musical Production

Hall - 2

10:45-11:30am Standard 1 Ballet

11:30-12:30pm G4 Ballet

If you have any queries about our dance school, call us on
Contact us
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